Hello everyone,
I can't believe its been another week. There is always so much to do and never enough time to do it all. This week was a little hard because we are on bikes and its pretty cold with that my companion got sick this weekend, so we have been trying to keep up the work but try and help her feel better as well.
But here is the exciting news, my little 15 year old we have been teaching, Brooke, was unable to meet with us all week because she is so busy. We were worried about this because she is scheduled to be baptized this Saturday. She came to church with a big grin on her face, we talked to her about meeting with her parents after church. So that night we went to Brooke's home, we new we were going to have to be bold with her to make sure she was ready for baptism. When we got there we began talking to her mom who doesn't seem super interested but said Brooke can do what she wants. We than turned to Brooke and discussed the importance of Baptism and went through the baptismal questions. She answered all the questions correctly. Than we looked at her and said why do you want to be baptized? She said "Because it just feels right. I prayed about it and I know that this is what I am supposed to do." She gave a big smile and just hugged her legs. It was a tender moment and all my fears of her joining the church unprepared went away. She talked about how she would also like to start attending seminary and then I knew she was truly committed :D. So I am pleased to announce that Brooklyn Fowler will be baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints on 11/23/13 at 6:00. (Her mom is going to go) I am so happy for her and amazed with how spiritually in tuned she is at such a young age. She is going to do great things in life, I just know it when I look at her. Now that she is going to be a member of the church my new goal for her is to possibly get her to start thinking about a mission.
Funny story from this week: Tuesday morning we went to the family history center to work on Facebook. While we were there the lady that works there began staring at my legs. She than started complaining about how awful they look. She than made her husband come over and look at my legs. He then bent down and touched my scab on my leg. Now that I was completely uncomfortable I decided to step back. They started saying how I need to go to the hospital right now and get on antibiotics and get my scab cut off. I tried calming them down saying it happened about 6 weeks ago and that I will call my mission nurse about it. We then went home for lunch and I called the mission nurse like I had promised. It had not even been 10minutes since I had talked to that couple was I receiving a call from my Zone leader. He was freaking out saying how am I going to get to the hospital and had I called president yet. I just started laughing and explained the scab and what had happened. He than started laughing saying that in the last 10 minutes he had received 2 phone calls from that lady saying that I needed to be rushed to the hospital and she was willing to give me a ride. He thought by the way she was talking that I had gotten really injured and was bleeding to death or something. After talking with him we thought that mess was over and that was the last we would hear about it. O how we were wrong. Later that night we called a random lady in our ward to see if she could go to a lesson with us. When she heard who was on the phone she began yell "o sister, how is your leg. I have been so worried about you. When the man told me my sister was injured I didn't know what to do or say." Haha I than explained to her that I was okay that I have a scab from an accident about 6 weeks ago. She calmed down and laughed about the situation. The next day we ran into a man in the church and than began saying are you the sister with the leg injury from soccer. I said "okay this is crazy it was from my bike and it was 6 weeks ago." Its now a big joke around the area now since it is just a scab about an inch big but the rumor of me getting injured made it sound like I had a massive gash. I love the people I am serving, they really are such caring and protective people. However, they are also a little dramatic and crazy. But I think that is one of the reasons I love them so much.
If had to learn something from this experience it would be, be careful with what you say, how you say it, and who you say it too. Things can easily been blown out of proportion.
In the last Zone meeting our leaders told us about Elder Ballard and what he said about our mission. In the next 6 months we are going to double our baptism numbers. Also out of all the missions we have the best teaching statistics meaning out 1 out of 15 investigators we teach get baptized. There were other thing mentioned that we are going to need to work on to make doubling numbers possible. But I know that I am going to do everything in my power to become that missionary. I know I am far from perfect and I have a lot to improve on. But if Elder Ballard believes that I am supposed to increase the numbers than I believe that I can too. I don't know how this is possible because we are already so busy but I know that with the lord all things are possible. This is his work, these are his people and I am his servant. I will go and do the things the lord commands of me.
I love each of you so much and am so grateful to have you in my life. I am truly blessed. Thank you for the love and support.
LOVE always,
Sister Johnson

These are the missionaries we share the area with. This was at the Punjabi parade

I carved the whale :D

Also this is the first time I have ever held a bird :D