Hello Everyone,
I am so happy to announce that Brooke Fowler
was baptized and confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints this weekend. The spirit at her baptism was so strong. When she showed up
she had a huge grin on her face and said that she was so happy. She brought her
grandpa and mother (who is not a member) with her. They too were so happy for
Brooke and excited for the baptism. I don't know how to fully explain the
feelings I felt that evening and feel when I look or talk about Brooke. It is a
love that is indescribable, I know that she is a daughter of God and she has
such a sweet spirit that is so strong. Usually while the people are changing we
will just play Mormon messages however in Brooke's Baptism we decided to teach
the Restoration and introduce the Book of Mormon because her mom was there and
hasn't shown interest in the past. As we began to teach her mom paid close
attention. When Brooke walked back into the room we bore our testimony to her
and promised her the blessing that will come to her if she keeps the covenants
that she made that day. Her mom seemed to be touched by the spirit that evening.
At the end we asked her Grandpa to say the prayer. He went up and started saying
how he had fallen away from the church and the emotions he felt. He explained
how sad he was to have lost something so special and how happy he is to see his
granddaughter find it. While he was talking his daughter (Brooke's mom began
crying) The spirit was so strong, I felt like there was a blanket wrapped around
me. After the baptism Brooke came up to me a little sad and I asked what was
wrong. She than responded "So now that I am baptized does that mean I wont see
you guys anymore." I just laughed and told her how much I loved her and how we
would still teach her and see her at church. Her mom surprised me by coming up
and asking almost the exact same question. She was glad to hear that we will
continue coming back and we set up a time for a return appointment. She than
asked about how we are called and assigned to work in the different areas. I
don't know if she will allow us to start teaching her but I know that the door
has now been opened.
That Sunday Brooke received the gift of the
holy ghost and was then welcomed into the ward. When I explained to her what it
meant when everyone raised their hand she smiled and said I feel so loved. I
then slipped her a sticker that I had in my bag which was a future missionary
sticker. She looked at it smiled and put it on over her heart. Seeing her with
this "badge" made me so happy, I believe that she would be an awesome
Tasha is another amazing young women we have been
teaching (she is actually the first person I ever taught on my mission).
However, this week we took her to a devotional by Elder Ellis of the seventy
about the Book of Mormon. After wards she said that she loved it so much and she
even took notes. She asked when we could come and teach her again. So we went to
her home Saturday. This time meeting with her was different from all the times
before. She had the spirit with her and a sense of optimism. She than gave us
the best compliment I have ever heard. She said "I want my daughter to grow up
to be like you." I know that it's not me that is so special to her, but the
light of Christ that shines through me. At the end of the lesson we committed
her to be baptized on 12/21/13 this time she said "Yes, I have to and so do my
girls." I know that she now sees the importance of our message and knows that
this is truth. This morning, we went to Tasha's home to teach her before she and
her family went on vacation. When we walked up to the door Tasha whips opens the
door and says "Didn't you get my calls, I have been calling you" I thought she
was mad or trying to cancel. So I said "no why what's wrong." She than looks at
the clock and says "you are late I thought you guys were trying to cancel on me,
so I was calling you because we really need this lesson before we leave." I than
looked at the clock and realized we were only 3 minutes late but laughed because
it's so cute how much she wants this now that waiting 3 minutes is to much for
her. So she than has her daughters stop playing with there friends and we begin
teaching the word of wisdom. During the entire lesson Tasha was drinking a cup
of coffee. So we taught how are bodies are temples and how we need to respect
them and not listen to the natural man. We than taught how we do this. When we
read over the list of what we should not drink she made this funny guilty face
and her daughters began to stare at her. I than asked her to explain how she was
feeling. She than said "I am drinking coffee haha" and then put the cup down
behind her. We than asked her what if she would give up coffee she replied "I
have too." Her daughter than said "mom hand me your cup we have to dump it out
and the entire pot." They also turned to there grandma who refuses to listen to
us and said that she has to give coffee up too. These two girls knew that this
sacrifice would really blesses their family. They each committed to live the
word of wisdom and support each other as well.
I loved seeing how excited
and willing they were to do what God has asked them to do. They are a great
family keep them in your prayers that they can continue preparing themselves for
baptism and can make it to church.
Alright her is your full story
for the week. I went on an exchange to Colusa this Wednesday. So that meant
Sister Powell worked our area with Sister Stoddard. A member in our ward who is
from Columbian named Sister French and is kind of crazy drove past them while
they were riding bikes. She noticed I wasn't there and automatically thought I
was transferred so when she went to pick up Tasha for the devotional she told
her that I no longer in the area. When they saw me at the devotional Sister
French ran up to me sad saying "I can't believe you left and didn't even say
good bye. You hurt my feelings" I than laughed and said no I was on an exchange
and am still working in the area. She than gave me a huge hug and than Tasha
came up and gave me a hug saying how much she loved me (she didn't hear that I
was staying). So on Saturday when we showed up to teach Tasha she started saying
"I can't believe your getting transferred, I love you so much and want to go
with you." I than laughed and said "Sister French is silly I am not leaving" I
went on to say how much I loved her and she started crying with relief that I
was staying. It's silly that they started this little rumor that I left but so
sweet to see that I am loved and will be missed.
I love the area I
am serving in. I know that I am supposed to be hear. I am thankful for the ward
and their support, for the people we are teaching and there willingness to
listen. But most importantly I am thankful that I am a daughter of God and that
I am able to go out and teach to truth to those around me. I am thankful that I
am not doing this on my own am supported and guided by my Savior Jesus Christ. I
love this gospel and I love my family and friends.
Thank you for
all you each do for me. I pray that you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Enjoy
the time that you get to spend together but don't for get to say a prayer that
is just saying thank you to God for all that he has blessed you
LOVE Always,
If anyone would like to contact me:
1355 Stabler Ln #6
Yuba City, CA.
Facebook: Sister Tiffany Johnson

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