Katelyn Jean Johnston
daughter of Rebecca & Eldon Johnston
born Wednesday, June 11, 2014 at 4:29 a.m.
weighing 3.05 pounds 15 1/2 inches long
Katelyn Jean Johnston was born at only 29 weeks (40 weeks is full term) on Wednesday, June 11, 2014. At 20 weeks, through an ultra sound, it was discovered that Katelyn had a heart defect so because of this, she was life flighted to Primary Children's Hospital in Salt Lake City shortly afterwards.
Katelyn was also coming breech so Rebecca delivered by emergency caesarean. Rebecca is doing well and will probably be released on Sunday. She is looking forward to seeing her baby girl in person.
Katelyn is actually doing very well considering her early arrival but will be facing surgery shortly to have a ring placed around her pulmonary artery to slow down the flow of blood (hopefully I explained this correctly).
We congratulate Rebecca & Eldon on the arrival of their baby girl and wish them the very best!!!
I will post updates as I receive them.
Thanks Jean for keeping us updated, Mother and baby are in our prayers.