Book of Mormon praying, and the one time she came to church she talked about the great feeling she felt as she was passed the sacrament. The younger girls also love the lessons and loved church. They all really want to be baptized and want to go to church and all the church activities. But here's the catch, there mother knows zero English but she too loves the church and knows it's true. However, her boyfriend whom they live with and is the girls father is strong inactive catholic and won't even listen to the elders and won't let them go to church unless it's catholic.
So I called up the elders and begged them to go talk to Fabiola again to tell her what her daughters have felt and help her see the importance of being a family in this gospel and acting on the truths
they know. The elders called us back saying they didn't feel right going alone that we needed to be there to represent the girls and we would all talk to her. There fellowshipper also came. There we were all sitting around the table. The elder grajeda begins talking in Spanish and begins teaching her and explaining to her our purpose in the visit. I was able to understand about 60% of what was being said. He kept talking and sharing really good points. When all of a sudden I felt a poking feeling saying I needed to talk. I shushed it saying I don't fully understand what they are sayings, what if I repeat something already said, or if I say something and it's not even what she's concerned about. But he feeling wouldn't go away. I waited nervous to speak up. The I felt the impression to just open my mouth that the spirit will direct me as to what to say and when. So I did. The elder translated for me as I bore testimony to her the importance of these things and how she has two choices... To fear man or to fear God. That we are given trials to test our faith and can receive so many more blessing for acting in faith. That we all must make sacrifices for the things that are most important in life. I shared
how her and her daughters need this gospel and will truly be changed for the better by it. And then I noticed she and the elder were crying as I was speaking. After the lesson the elder told me what I said was exactly what they were talking about and was shared at the moment they needed to hear it. I knew it was he spirit and was glad I was able to help. But let me tell it was probably one of the most nerve racking experience I have had because I wasn't able to fully understand all that was happening. But I truly love that family and pray they can't receive the blessing of being apart of this gospel. Please keep Fabiola and her daughter in your prayers this week.
Saturday I had the opportunity to teach someone that really challenged me. Not because he wanted to bible bash but because he was from India and doesn't have a christen back ground. His fiancé is a
less active whom is coming back and she really wants him to be apart of the church. So we really have to break things down and explain more then I ever have before. For example, I asked him about the spirit and feelings he has. I asked if he ever felt joy... He said no. I asked love?... He said no... I then looked at this big Punjabby man would showed no emotions and finally said "that is not true." He looked at me startled. So I said how did you feel the first time you saw your son? Who did you see the first time you saw Dianna? He then thought about it and said "love" and I looked about him and said then yes you have felt the spirit. That is the feeling that god feels us with. Though we have hard times. Feel sad days, we all have moments of feeling love, joy, or peace. We just have to take a second a realize it, he realized it and has been to church 2 Sundays in a row. It's been good. It will be slow but we aren't giving up. So keep Andy in your prayers.
The last month we have worked hard at getting one of our recent converts and an investigator to go to girls camp. I know it could change there life and be a great bonding experience for hem. This
morning the left for camp. So please keep Emily and Lulu in your prayers. I pray it's an amazing experience for them.
Then with our other recent converts Marcos, Emily, and LuLu we got them a ride to the singles ward and got them there. It was great for them to see others in the same boat and age group as them. We want them to get connected so they can stay converted. It's really my goal to help them find a good support group. Exciting news for Emily who's a member of 2 months... She got into UVU and will be moving up there in august. So look out Utah a little spiritual giant is on her way.
Ok the report you all have been waiting for.... I went to the doctors today. He came in and looked at my finger and x-rays and said. Sister Johnson no matter what surgery you have and no matter who does it, it won't bend better than it does now. Having surgery for you won't help. It's be to long and it's not going to go back to the way it was. I can get it fused together but that can happen anytime so he said just wait til after your mission and you are older. He said just enjoy life and when it really starts hurting then fuse it together so it's like no joint at all. So there it is at least I am done seeing doctors for a while.
Well I love all of you and am really enjoying my mission and area. I love how busy we are. Thanks for your prayers and support.
Love always sister Johnson

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