Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Letter From Sister Tiffany Johnson March 3, 2014

 So if any of you remember last night was transfers. I began all week to worry about what's going to happen to me. I was finishing up training, meaning I was on the chopping block. I was pretty sure I
would be moving and if so i was hoping to just move into a normal companionship. Then I started to feel like maybe I would train so than I can stay longer here. Well the zone leaders took forever sending out the transfer call. It was almost an hour late. While waiting for the call I got a call from the assistant to the president (ap) elder Austin  That is never a good sign on transfers. Everyone in the room begins to cheer, excited to hear what was going to happen. The first thing elder Austin said was "Johnson you get the transfer call yet, ... what do you think?" My heart was racing and I yelled no what's happening. He than laughed and said "pack your pages your moving to Corning to shot gun train. See you at the mission office Wednesday."

We talked for a moment about how they prayed about my call and have full confidence in me. I just kept thinking to my self what am I getting myself into. I am extremely nervous. Not only is it my first
time moving but it's with some one who doesn't know the area. We have to go in there and figure everything out the hard way. I don't know anything about my area and I have to train on top of that. I am pretty sure it's also a car area which is really bumming me out. I love my bike and will try and figure out a way to use it in my new area.  I don't know how to be a missionary with a car. Going with out one for 6months really makes me hate them, i get car sick when I am in one because I am not used to going that fast. But the weirdest thing of all is that by the end of training in Corning I will have been on my mission for 9 months. Which also mean I will have been going through the training manual (12 week program) for my 9 months with out a break. Man there really must be something I am supposed to be learning and I am just not figuring it out yet haha. :) but I am touched that my mission president does put so much trust and faith in me.

     This week though has been a bit of a struggle. With the rain you would think more People would be home and ready to listen but no everyone was shutting there door on us saying hey we're sick. I was getting frustrated with the lack of work. I figured I was leaving and wanted to leave on a high note. So I wasn't taking no as an answer. I told my companion my goal. I wanted us to get 5 new investigators for a 3rd week in a row. I also wanted double digits in number of lessons. She seemed a little doubtful with how things were working out and didn't want to work in the rain. But knowing I wanted to work no matter what she supported me in my goal. So we made tons of jokes about the
rain and how the more drops that hit us the hotter our husband gets and competitions if who gets the biggest goose bumps. It made the wet and cold more enjoyable. I am happy to say after a long cold week of rain and talking to everyone  we made our goal. We found 5 new investigators. And had a good number if lessons. Over all it was a good week and it makes me sad to think I don't get to teach the 15 new investigators. But I feel good about leaving the ward better than I found it. We had an amazing turnout at church. 4 investigators came and 8 less actives. I believe that is a record for us.

     There was an amazing story to go along with on of the less actives though. So we went to their home knowing that they have been offended and have some judgements about the church. When we got there they were just pulling up so We began to talk to them on the sidewalk. the wife opened up to me in a very defensive matter. She through out bold statements like Joseph smith just wrote the Book of Mormon and God contradicts himself in that book. I felt instantly like I was
being attacked and wanted to say how dare you talk so poorly about something so beautiful. But then I felt the spirit prompt me to ask her simply why? She shared some examples and I was able to explain those verse to her. She than dropped it like they were suitable answers for her. Than I felt the spirit prompt me to say "I know you are a logical women so here is some logic. We believe god is the same yesterday today and forever. With that we then should believe that the same way Christ established the church in his time is the same way it should be established now. That is how this church is established. we have a prophet who is led and guided by our savior.  we also have 12
apostles who are special witness of Christ. We are the only church with that" I bore my testimony of the church and of Joseph smith right there on the side walk. My companion than bore hers. The lady stood there speechless and than said quietly true. She new that she felt the spirit and that she was taking her personal feeling which were hurt by members and blaming them on the church. We left with excitement because we both felt he spirit so strong. And to our surprise there she was Sunday morning at church and when we walked in she gave us a huge wave and smile. It was such a miracle to me to see her heart being softened. I know that was because of the spirit testifying to her and we were just blessed to be an instrument.

        I can't get over the fact that I am finally leaving.  I am also sad to leave because I have 2 baptisms at the end of the month both of these individuals are so excited to join the church and say I
am like there family and now I am leaving them. The few weeks before baptism is really a hard time. I want to be here to help them through it. But most importantly I want to be here to support them on there big day. They asked if I would be there and it broke my heart to say I will try but I don't know if I can. I pray that they will both make it to there goal of being baptized by someone holding the proper
priesthood authority with or without me. I know this is the lords work and it can run smoothly without me but that's my controlling personality wanting to be here and over see everything. But I have faith in these individuals and most importantly I have faith in my father in heaven. I know that he will bless and protect them along with this area. I feel so blessed to have worked in such an amazing area and with so incredible people. I have loved watching there conversions and have seen miracles everyday. I will always have a love for Yuba city and it will always be my mission home. A lot of the members already have plans on what they want to do with me after my mission and have opened there home to me whenever I need.

     I want all of you too know that I am happy and loving my mission. His church is true and because of at it will require us to do hard things. It will make us stretch farther than we have stretched so
that we can reach our full potential. It's because our father in heaven loves us and wants to help us to grow that he requires us to do so much work. And if you really think about it, he doesn't ask for too
much for all that he has done for us. I know this to be true and I love the challenge the mission is. But it may lead to me getting grays sooner in life. :)

      Love you.
         Sister Johnson

I will post my new address next week when I get it.
Sent from my iPad

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