Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Letter from Sister Tiffany Johnson March 10, 2014

The big yellow area is my new area.  The area that I am pinching at the bottom is my old area and my old area fits perfect there between my fingers.  Its soooooooo much bigger here if you couldn't tell.  I feel like a small fish in the big ocean, but love it.

 I have arrived in Corning. Being completely uneducated about Corning I was assuming there would be corn everywhere. However, trick play this area is actually known for OLIVES. So basically if you want to know about my area read James 5 haha its all in there.
     I picked up my new Greenie Wednesday and then went through a lot of drama trying to figure out our car situation. Then they finally got me a car and said alright enjoy Corning. However, because I was shot gunning meaning I have never been in my area before I didn't have the area phone or any idea how to even get there. So I looked up at President and said so do you have a GPS I can use? He then started worrying and realized that sending me off with no phone, no directions, and in the dark was not safe he made the sisters heading in the same direction escort us there. So we had 3 other cars of sisters drive in front and behind us to make sure we got to our area safe. I walked into our apartment and found out that elders have been living there for the last 20 years. It was pretty messy and smelly but livable. The Relief Society sisters had a meeting going on when we arrived and asked us to come. I turned to my companion and said we have to hit the ground running. So we didn't even unpack the car and headed out to work that night. 
     When we walked into the room we were warmly greeted. Then Sister Call the president said with tears in her eyes "We have been praying and fasting for Sister missionaries for the last 3 years. And finally the lord has answered our prayers" Instantly I felt the weight of my call. I want to help this area and want them to truly feel like their prayers have been answered and to add to the stress I am also trying to train. I just felt completely humbled and overwhelmed. I don't feel worthy to be an answer to there prayers. I prayed there silently to know how I can help this area and that I can have the confidence to take on this task.  After the prayer I instantly had a list of things we need from the sisters. I told them what I wanted to see happen to this area and how we were going to get the ward involved. They wrote down the things I said and each sister spoke up saying their views and ways they can help. They then presented us with a list of 171 sisters that are less active in the area. I was no longer stressed just excited to get to work. I knew that it was the spirit guiding me and feeling me with peace. I had received a priesthood blessing the night before and I was now feeling the affects of it. 
    After the meeting we opened the door and saw a sit that hit me so strong with the spirit (This is Jean....sorry I couldn't figure this part out to correct it but if you read on it will become more clear :)). A rumor had gone around the building that we were there and all of the young women were jumping for joy and running up and giving us hugs. They were so excited to meet us and for the first time ever I felt like a celebrity.  I want to service with all my heart and strength for these young women. They too have been praying for us to come and I saw the joy that we brought to there face. I can not disappoint them. One girl as she hugged me whispered I have never met a sister missionary before. And then a few others said the same as well. I know I have a big role to play my companion and I are going to be looked to as an example and we can help them form a desire to serve a mission. All with the help of the Lord. I feel so blessed and happy to be working with so many amazing people who I have instantly learned to love. A few of the girls have already volunteered to go out with us. The work is pretty exciting here. 
    However, when we were finally able to make it home that night I took a look at the ward boundary and was overwhelmed its so huge compared to my old area. The farthest home is about 2 hours away. And its just country homes. Just like doing missionary work out in Hickman. To top it off I took a look at the area book to see what we had to work with and found no organization. None of the addresses were put in correctly, none of the papers were filed. The ward list was missing 3 pages and there were only a few sentences written about who they were teaching. I knew there is going to be a lot of work going into this area to clean it up. But all things are possible with the Lord and I know with him I can accomplish this big task. So I called our one investigator and set up an appointment. Then I called a member that lived near by. However, trick the contact information in the directory was wrong. So I then called the Relief Society president and said I need a ward list as soon as possible. 
    With the help of my new companion we started sectioning off the area and putting people together so that when we go to an area we can visit everyone there. We organized it in a way that would be most time efficient for driving. So far the system is working.  
    Teaching has been a little hard because I don't know what the Elders have taught so I told my companion we have to go in with a prayer and just ask inspired questions so we can find out for ourselves. It worked out great we were able to simply find out concepts they didn't know and teach to there needs or concerns. I feel like the spirit has been with me all week when meeting with individuals and I am truly thankful for that. I know I could not have done this with out the spirit. 
     There is still hours and hours of work a head but I am excited to do it and to get this area into a functional state for missionaries. 
    I love this gospel and love being a missionary. My new companion is sweet she is from Washington State and is extremely smart. She really wants to work hard and that is the type of companion I need in this area. So I feel like I am not alone and that is a comfort. Her name is Sister Smith so we go by John Smith :D to keep it easy. The members love it. 
     Keep us and our area in your prayers. 
             LOVE Always 
                    Sister Johnson
Also it wouldn't be me if there wasn't a funny/embarrassing story. So here is one for you. While driving home from an appointment late at night we missed our turn by about 20+ miles and ended up in Chico. Its hard to see these tiny signs while going 65 mphs. So we flipped around and started heading back. I wasn't sure where we were or how we were going to get home but I just kept driving trying to stay positive for my companion. I wasn't paying attention to how fast I was going but then looking in the rear view mirror and saw flashing lights. We were the only other car on the road and I was like awww I need to get out of the way for this cop. So I pulled off and he pulled off as well. I instantly started to freak out. It was only day two with the car and I was sure I was getting a speeding ticket. The cop came to the window and asked the famous questions.  "DO you know why I pulled you over" I looked at him in complete fear, trembling and said "NO, was I speeding, I am soooo sorry I am new to the area and we are so lost." He looked at me and laughed and said " No you were actually going fine with your speed but your back lights aren't one." I was completely relieved but then asked how are my front lights on and not the back. I told him I was kind of blonde and new to this car. I asked him to help me. He laughed and started messing with somethings and then fixed the problem. He was really sweet and sent us on our way. I turned to my companion still trembling and said o my goodness I never turned the lights on. It was just the emergency lights that kick on in the front that we were using. But don't worry now I know and turn my lights on. It just took a cop pulling me over to teach me that lesson. So yep I had a nice warm welcome to Corning. :D 
             LOVE YOU ALL. Sister Johnson (Sorry there is probably a lot of errors in these letters. I type them fast and don't have time to read over them. So I apologize.:)

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